your Acceptance
This document provides third party content users Regulation on the terms and conditions of use of the website .
Using this site (access , browsing and registering a user account on this site) constitutes an implied agreement to comply with the terms and conditions contained in the present document , with all the effects and consequences arising therefrom .
If you do not agree with the terms and conditions imposed , users must immediately cease accessing the site .
Changing Terms and Conditions
Site administrator , reserves the right to modify this agreement at any moment without notice people using it , referred to as "Users" . Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions for using the service to consult them at any time.
Access to the site will grant permission to use the site Marketrom.rosub provided the following terms of use :
full or partial copying is prohibited , distribute any part or section of the website regardless of the medium that is done copying , and copying for distribution ;
forbidden any intervention that could cause malfunctioning website, even temporarily, without the prior written permission of ;
prohibited any alteration or modification of any part of the website, except for those modifications or alterations , reasonable , incurred as a necessity to properly use the website for the purpose for which it was created ;
prohibited any action that adversely affects the activities fair, reasonable and permitted the other users or intimidates , harasses or verbally or visually assaulting other users of the Site, including accessing and using personal accounts of other users ;
prohibited any use consisting in the transmission of advertising or commercial messages to users of the website ;
prohibited any action , activity , even by omission , which might facilitate or encourage actions that violate the terms and conditions of use contained in this document or the legal provisions applicable to legal conduct specific activities ;
In order to access and use certain sections of the website may be necessary to create a personal account. You hereby represent that you assume full responsibility for any and all of the activities conducted through your account that you open the website and therefore we advise you to ensure the security of your password or other account access data . If the security account that has been violated , you should immediately notify the site administrator . is not responsible for the damage that will be caused or caused to third parties by any unauthorized use of your account.
Hereby I declare that you agree not to use any automated system to send requests to the site and can cause downtime or slow its functioning .
This site contains links , commercials or banner ads with links to other sites that are not owned by nor under the control . assumes no responsibility for the content, policies , practices or rules established by any other site . We recommend that you acknowledge the terms and conditions of use for each of the sites you visit when you leave the site .
services offers a wide range of online services , including but not limited to comparative presentation functionalities , depending on price , it offers products and services online shops . provides users with information about products and services found in many online stores offer and establish web- links to stores that sell these products or services. not sell products and services on this website and has no intermediate status , agent or broker in commercial relationships initiated on the information present on the site. Sale and purchase of products featured in the site are held exclusively between the site user and online stores listed in the . responsibilities toward products presented :
does not guarantee in any way for the content shown , for the content provided by its partners or other registered users .
assumes absolutely no responsibility for any price changes arising from products displayed on the website for any damages or loss of profits .
not responsible for the content, quality or nature of the sites or products which can be reached through links on this site. Liability for these sites totally wears the owners of those sites .
is not responsible for any damages to users or other devices when accessing links provided. not warrant that product descriptions or other content appear on the site are free from errors or that are fully complete .
does not endorse and is not responsible in any way if you purchased your products do not meet specific goals for which they were purchased .
is in no way responsible if there are discrepancies or gaps regarding products , quality, or any other aspects of these products. Any complaint that you can have will be brought shop / store from which you made upon receipt of product orders , following them to be solved by them.
does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the content or services provided by site.
Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property rights are expressly copyright and related rights listed in Law 8/1996 with subsequent amendments , the rights of the brand listed in Law 84/1998 and subsequently amended and any other applicable legal provisions in addition to or other legal provisions regarding trade name , image rights but not limited to .
This site is brought to you individually , although some of its characteristics may allow interaction with other users for informational purposes only and for personal use. Its content can not be used, reproduced , distributed, transmitted, displayed , for purposes other than those expressly and legally permitted. Extracting any information followed by any commercial use that exceeds the scope of private copying regulated by law or for sale or license and without the prior written consent of the holders of property rights is a violation of these terms and conditions .
You also agree not affected in any way or interfere with the security features of the site, with elements that prevent or restrict use or copying of content elements that reinforce the limits of use of the site or its contents .
Content uploaded to site offers a variety of services to assist you in shopping for products based on comparisons . provides information on products and merchants , and provides links to retailers that sell the products listed. The products listed on the site are sold by other trading names ( third person ) , and not . not warrant that product descriptions , prices and reviews or other content appearing on the site regardless of source , is accurate , complete , reliable, error free or discounted . content is provided for informational purposes and is not made advertising a product , merchant, seller or service.
Reviews , comments and feedback appeared on Marketrom.roa belong to registered users who have chosen to post their own opinions . Therefore these reviews , comments and feedback are the result of subjective and does not guarantee any level of absolute performance and quality of a product , merchant, seller , or a third party service .
Merchants Subscribers or other third party may pay to receive preferential positioning of products and services offered within our search results , but that status will not influence reviews , comments and feedback posted by users about shops or merchants listed on site. content may be used for informational purposes only and any commercial use will be made only by written agreement of the legal representatives and .
Website allow or permit in the future: a) loading, by you or other users, their contributions consisting of texts (comments , ads , reviews) and images - drawings, photographs , b) hosting , sharing, and / or publication of material posted online . By using this website you acknowledge and agree that , whether loaded materials are made public or not, in any circumstances not guarantee their confidentiality . We advise that when posting any material to note that , once posted, their contents will become public .
As a user of the website will assume legal responsibility for the content material you post . By posting Support and warrant that :
you are the holder / owner of the material you post or you are the holder of an authorization , or have obtained the consent or permission to use this material in any way and so you can have them by including reproducing, distributing it on the website and any media channels , while giving her consent authorized to use any and all material posted and their contents , whether trademark , copyright or other proprietary rights , all incorporated in or in connection with material posted in order of publication and use of these materials on site, according to the policy of the Site and under these Terms and Conditions ;
own consent , authorization of each identifiable person , visual or auditory , in the content of material posted on the website to use the image and / or voice its website , implicit in public contexts , and any media channels , the conditions and limitations set forth in this document that establishes the terms and conditions of the website. Meanwhile rolling by posting content on the Website , you grant to a non-exclusive, free , legally revoked during the term of protection of the rights recognized and protected by law for the future use of the content of any material posted for purposes related to operability website in relation to all other users , thus permitted acts of reproduction , distribution, release to the public of the material as well as the development of materials derived from it , and to promote its reuse in any media formats and through any channel media of part or the entire content of the website that contains material uploaded by you.
Regarding the materials , pictures , ads , comments , links posted, by posting agreed as follows:
submit material , pictures, ads , reviews , links protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights , including rights of privacy and private life , image rights and use of the image of a person in public and advertising, unless you are owner of such material or have the consent of the owner or holder of the rights to post the material and to grant a license to and / or third party users of the website as expressly shown above;
submit material , pictures, ads , reviews, links through their contents are defamatory and that directly or indirectly could damage site or any third person or entity;
submit material , pictures, ads , reviews , links obscene or pornographic or violent or urge the violation of human rights recognized by the Romanian legislation and / or international treaties and convenventii field;
submit material , pictures, ads , reviews , links whose content could affect the integrity and human dignity that are defamatory , threatening , harassing , violent , to hate or discrimination against a group after race, religion , ethnicity , sex, age, sexual orientation ;
submit material , pictures, ads , reviews , links whose content promotes any illegal activities ;
do not post advertisements or solicitations of business whether their content would promote services or products offered by a company or by an authorized individual be it ;
to avoid any circumstance use the identity of another real person , identity theft is punishing existing under the laws in force.
If we see activities that violate the terms and conditions contained in this document or you will be reported materials , pictures, ads , reviews , links whose content in whole or in part violates the above provisions or any other legislation in effect , access to them will be blocked and the contents preserved to be made available to the authorities if you have requested.
If you are a copyright holder and appreciate that any user infringes your website , you can notify site administrators in electronic commerce under the law amended. Notifications can be sent by e -mail at , in writing or by phone : Tel : Vodafone: 0732904324 Orange: 0753636034 Cosmote : 0762786948 . Any notice must be dated and signed , and if the rights belong to third parties other than itself a proxy signer notification will be attached to the notification , within maximum 20 days from the notification for it to become effective or a characteristic of notification by the right holder himself claimed to be violated .
Any notice will necessarily contain the following elements:
Physical or electronic signature of the right holder or person empowered to represent the holder of an exclusive intellectual property right claimed to be infringed;
Indication of carrier material copyrighted work claimed to be infringed or if applicable a list of materials ;
Contact details of subscriber notification : name, postal address, telephone , fax , e- mail .
You agree that use of the website during take contact with materials, ads , links , comments posted from a variety of sources and that can not be held liable for any element you any issues regarding materials and their content posted by any users website. At the same time, by accessing the website you may be exposed to material that you may find offensive, indecent , repulsive and the access are implicitly agree not to quit exercising and exercise any legal rights , whether or not a claim for damages on that in some circumstances you might claim from .
Accepting the above, by accessing the website implies your agreement that guaranteed protection against any claim made against , or owners / operators , affiliates and / or its licensors assuming personal responsibility for any violations of rights committed by accessing and using his website by yourself or by a third party using your data logging with your science or as a consequence of negligence in data security .
Limitations of liability , in its capacity as owner and administrator of the website will take all legal measures and make all reasonable efforts necessary to ensure the legality of the operation website and for this purpose will try to correct any errors or omissions as quickly as possible . However, assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies , errors or omissions or any unauthorized usage of content that violates the rights of third parties of any kind , natural or legal persons .
Any user acknowledges and agrees that Marketrom.roori its legal representatives , directors, agents or affiliates will not be held responsible for any damages , whether they occurred or are about to occur directly or indirectly , they are minor or major importance incidental or special , including, but not limited to loss of profits, redirecting customers , getting direct or indirect advantages by any user in associating names and personal images or commercial or public or other losses of any kind whatsoever resulting from use of the Website or any matter arising from the use of any service provided by its users or web of trading partners for any purpose.
Any user agrees to protect and ensure the and / or operators, directors , employees, subsidiaries , affiliates and representatives by taking own responsibility for any activities or actions committed by their own or a third party using its data registration, the user's knowledge or fraudulent as a result of negligence in ensuring the security of their user data and which in any circumstance could engage in any such liability against any claims, demands , actions, charges , summons , losses, damages , costs (including, but not limited to attorney's fees ) , costs and expenses (including, but not limited to attorney's fees ) , decisions , fines, or any other liabilities arising out of or related to any user actions on or arising out of your access or use service . Marketrom.roin through the website as administrator and its owner reserves the right to conduct , at any time held advertising and / or promotion in any section of the site by himself or through a third party on behalf own or on behalf of a third party. Campaigns and promotions conducted by website visitors and do not require the consent of the site users . Spaces and size of advertising and promotions as well as the functioning and presentation website visitor agreement does not require any changes , alterations , changes in space and advertising content can be made without announcement answer or consent from visitors to or users . makes no warranty and does not assume any responsibility for any products or services made available by or provided by a third party , whether natural or legal person through or any link to a website achieved by any means , as does not assume any responsibility for any content published in any banner or other advertising material . will not be part of and will not be held in any way responsible for monitoring or performance of any of the transactions between you and third parties offering products or services through your website , whether its conclusion and any payment is achieved through technical means provided by the website, the transaction will be governed by rules agreed and approved by the user ( as seller or buyer) and third respectively . not intended intermediate stores listed on the site and do not sell or resell products presented .
Use of Site by minors
If you are a minor and access the site, you can do it only under the supervision of your parent or legal guardian . Parent or legal guardian has the right to review the child 's personal information or to request its deletion and may refuse or prohibit future processing and use of information belonging to the minor. recommend all parents and / or guardians to inform and instruct minors in a proper and correct on the safe and responsible use of personal data when using the Internet and the website .
By accessing and using the website you are implicitly agree to the terms and conditions contained in this document and approved : a) to defend, you warrant that you will not use the website and any of the services offered on the website for purposes other than those allowed the administrator / owner , b) to cancel the formulation and conduct of any actions for claims , express or implied, from , administrators , officers, directors, employees and agents , c) to defend administrators , officers , directors, employees and agents and to sustain them as being liable on any claims , claims , claims , damages, obligations , losses, costs or liabilities , claims (including but not limited to attorney's fees ) arising from:
accessing, visiting , using the website ;
infringement by you , as a user , or any third party of any terms and conditions contained in this document ;
violation by any user , visitor , customer any rights of a third party which may be user , visitor , customer as natural and legal person ;
any claim arising from causing any damage to third parties as a result of the posting , viewing , or using a material loaded by you on .
Information about the brand name and logo are registered trademarks of . marks may not be displayed or used in any form without the express consent of the owner.
availability of reserves the right to change the structure and interface of any website or website subpages at any time and at any time freely chosen has the right to discontinue , temporarily or permanently , part or all services offered publicly available through this website without prior notice individual or general .
applicable Law
By using website , the user agrees to the fact that the Romanian laws will govern the terms and conditions of use and any dispute of any sort that might arise between users and or associates / partners / affiliates . In the event of conflict will first try to solve them amicably if amicable settlement is not possible, the conflict will be resolved in court , according to the Romanian laws .