Audio listening devices, Appliances and audio devices for listening and spying, intercepting audio systems at various distances. Electronics products for all of our stores sold, we provide service warranty and post warranty; including technical consulting (Help Desk).
Hearing Aid / micro power amplifier ear. Used for hearing impaired but audio spy. Details below:
Effectively adjust the amplification input voice loudly, can choose frequency output limit, corresponding uncomfortable threshold properly adjust the maximum output
Video demo:
Ear sound amplifier, ultra high performance for hearing impaired and spying (listening from a distance). Details below:
With this masked spy microphone in your car charger, you can listen to the ambient in any car, from any distance. It works with the GSM card. You can charge any type of phone. Details below:
With this cable, you can charge your phone, transfer data and especially listen to the environment from any distance as it has a GSM transmission. Details below:
records the audio and / or sent to the GSM phone. Details below:
This system of listening and speaking (in a whisper), undetectable, with SIM GSM micro vibration is taking place on the principle of electromagnetic field. Details below:
With this spy microphone, you can listen to the ambient, wherever you are in the world, because it has a GSM transmission (via the phone card). You can also upload any type of phone. Battery autonomy: 3 days. Details below:
Last generation copied or spy-covered system with car key with GSM card, microphone for listening and microphone. Details below:
Audio receiver (headset earpiece invisible) impossible to detect with GSM transmission masked in wallet. Details below: